Surrender to God is the Price of Paradise

Paradise is for one who pays its price. What is this price? Optional surrender, or to surrender by one's choice. To surrender to God while having freedom. You have the freedom to say: God does not exist, I do not believe in God. You can say these words as well. But you say: God, I believe in You, I surrender before You, I accept the dos and don'ts that You have set, I follow Your commands with all my heart and being. If you lead life in this way, you pay the price for Paradise. Optional surrender is the price for Paradise. Nothing other than optional surrender can become the price for Paradise. 

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A human being is the only creature who has sense of enjoyment and desires, and who experiences happiness. This is why, God has created Paradise. Paradise is a great blessing of God. God's first blessing for man is that He gave him senses, for example, the sense of enjoyment. The second blessing is Paradise, a world where a person can have eternal enjoyment. 

What is the price for Paradise? The Quran says the price for Paradise is optional surrender. (33:72) Mountains, ocean, sun and moon don't have desire for Paradise, but man has the desire for Paradise. We have to reflect that the Paradise God has made can be enjoyed by only a person who pays its price. Paradise is for one who pays its price.

What is this price? Optional surrender, or to surrender by one's choice. To surrender to God while having freedom. You have the freedom to say: God does not exist, I do not believe in God. You can say these words as well. But you say: God, I believe in You, I surrender before You, I accept the dos and don'ts that You have set, I follow Your commands with all my heart and being. If you lead life in this way, you pay the price for Paradise. Optional surrender is the price for Paradise. Nothing other than optional surrender can become the price for Paradise. 

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